Tuesday, 18 March 2008

How strange. My synopsis is 747 words longer than it should be. This is the first time I've written something to word count, and spilled so far over the limit.

The good thing is, the novel now has a shape in actual words sitting somewhere outside of my fragile head, and whatver can be projected by reading the 60-odd pages I've already written. I might have to rewrite some of what I already have to properly set things up for later on, but there's enough serviceable material to make up the two sample chapters.

Also while the second narrative thread fits nicely into the ending, it looks as if it is the weakest of the three at present. Hrmmm.

I have a working title. I will not reveal it yet.

Lastly, even if this contest doesn't work out I'm more confident than ever that sometime later this year I will have something that if thrown around at publishers will eventually stick.



HRV said...

Huzzah! Many congratulations! The fruit has fallen very far from the tree...er...I mean, for me, you writing a book was not a question of if, but when.

K said...

idiot, 747 is a airplane type. that's why. clearly you have taken flight. see?

JP said...

Thanks for the faith. I'm going to bite the bullet and post excerpts every few days.
