Tuesday 5 August 2008

Laws you should know about: 1

The Karnataka Preservation Of Trees Act

With effect on and from the appointed day,notwithstanding any custom, usage, contract or law for the time being in force, noperson shall fell any tree or cause any tree to be felled in any land whether in hisownership or occupancy or otherwise, except with the previous permission of the TreeOfficer

Where permission to fell a tree is granted, the Tree Officer may grant it subjectto the condition that the applicant shall plant another tree or trees of the sameor any other suitable species on the same site or other suitable place withinthirty days from the date the tree is felled or within such extended time as theTree Officer may allow.

9. Planting of adequate number of trees. (1) Every owner or occupant of a landshall, within a period of five years from the appointed day or within such extendedperiod as the Tree Authority may specify, plant trees so as to conform to the standardsprescribed by the said Tree Authority under clause (c) of section 7.(2)If in the opinion of the Tree Officer the number of trees in any land is notadequate according to the standards referred to in sub-section (1), the TreeOfficer may, by order giving a reasonable opportunity to the owner or occupierof the land of making representation, require him to plant such trees, oradditional trees, as the case may be and at such places in the land as may bespecified in the order.(3)The owner or occupier of the land shall comply with such order within thirtydays from the receipt thereof or such extended time as the Tree Officer mayallow in this behalf.10. Planting in place of fallen or destroyed trees.- (1) Where any tree has fallenor is destroyed by wind, fire, lightning, torrential rain or such other natural causes, theThree Officer may suo moto or on information given to him, after holding such enquiryas he deems fit, by order, require such owner or occupier to plant a tree or trees inplace of the tree so fallen or destroyed, of the same or other species the order.(2)The owner or the occupier of the land shall comply with such order within thirtydays from the receipt thereof or such extended time as the Tree Officer mayallow