Wednesday 27 May 2009

you need a different curse word

Actually I don't get why 'cunt' is a curse word at all. So you just called someone a vagina. Chances are, you're a bloke in the first place if you use 'cunt' as a curse word. Assuming you're straight, you just called that person the one thing that is guaranteed to always bring you down on your knees, slavering and pleading for more. How is that a pejorative, again?

You dick.


reeferjournal said...

The earliest citation of this usage in the Oxford English Dictionary, c 1230, refers to the London street known as Gropecunt Lane.


What an address to have though. #1, Gropecunt Lane, London.

Shenoy said...

someone really ticked thee off badly i presume.

anyways, wonder if the shirtlifters will stop calling other guys 'assholes' after reading this? Or 'a dick' for that matter.

JP said...

Heh, that's a cool address.

'noy: Yeah, I just got fed up of the knee-jerk use of the word 'cunt' to dismiss someone by some online folks I know. Hey, if you clearly have no problems with phsically interfacing with said organ, stop using it as a cuss word.

Maybe dedicated onanists can call each other 'you palm!'.

Shenoy said...

That's a thought right there. This could be the start of a new trend in profanities and pejorative terms. Hmmm....come to think of it, i think i know now why the Fake IPL Player called SRK 'Dildo' of all things. Hehehe....

As far as online folks are concerned, pay no attention...unless they abbreviate your name and/or replace part of it with an apostrophe.

Shenoy said...

Now that! is quite a good thought. This could be the start of a new trend in profanities and pejorative terms. Turn the things you like physically interfacing with into cuss words. Hmmm....waitaminute. I think know now why the Fake IPL Player kept referring to SRK as 'Dildo'. Hehehehe....

As for online folks, and if i may say so, pay no heed.....unless they truncate your name and/or replace part of it with an apostrophe.

JP said...

Whatever are you talking about!
