Wednesday 15 September 2010

inverted blindness...

My friend Suresh is one of the best weird fictioneers you've never read. And you still don't need to! Here, on his blog, is a recording of one of his most concise, mind-blowing and vividly realised tales.


Suresh S said...

*sniff* this makes me feel good and bad at the same time. If only I were more focused about getting into print. But then I wouldn't be me :p

Oy, give us a gander at that story you said you finished recently.

Suresh S said...
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JP said...

Well, being focused on getting into print has basically earned me rejections from every publisher in the land so what the fuck.

My new story is being considered by publication by an editor right now, so when she rejects it I will probably release it into the wild pretty soon!
